On behalf of the Charlbury Market and the Town Council Food Working Group we would like to thank all those who came to the market for your support in its first five weeks.
Big thanks too to the local food producers and promoters who had stalls and worked hard to make it such a friendly, thriving event. Particular thanks to Chloe Horner of Oxfork for being the market mastermind.
There’s no market now while we evaluate and plan for a restart in 2023. We have already met to review and will meet again at the end of November. So now is the time to have your say if you haven’t already.
* How did you hear about the market: charlbury.info? social media? posters and flyers? word of mouth?
* Timings: is Saturday morning the right time?
* How did you feel about the location and regularity of these markets? Would you come weekly if they continued to run?
* Produce: Was there anything you particularly liked? Or anything you felt was missing?
* Perhaps you didn’t come to the market? What would encourage you to come in future?
* How would you like to see the market go forward?
We aim to make the market a regular community event that everyone can participate in. So we would love to hear all your ideas.
And if you’d like to help out let us know.
Send your feedback to:
Many thanks