New speed limits & zebra crossing for Charlbury?

Oxfordshire County Council (OCC) is asking for your views on:
- the proposal to introduce a 20mph speed limit throughout Charlbury, incorporating the current 20mph speed limit in centre of the town and replacing the majority of the existing 30mph speed limit on the residential roads within the ‘built-up’ areas in the process.
- the existing 30mph speed limit on the B4026 Pound Hill/Charlbury Road will be extended northwards to beyond the access to the Camping & Caravan site, replacing the existing 40mph speed limit in the process. This seeks to improve road safety for vulnerable road-users, specifically the pedestrians walking to and from the camp site, bringing forward changes suggested over some years by local residents in the town.
- a proposed zebra crossing for The Slade, which seeks to improve road safety by assisting vulnerable pedestrians cross the carriageway in the vicinity of the Charlbury Primary School.
The proposals are being put forward following road safety concerns raised by the town council, and form part of a countywide programme of works that seeks to deliver ‘a safer place with a safer pace’ for the residents of Oxfordshire. In light of this, please find the following consultation documents:
- Public Notice,
- Statement of Reasons,
- Consultation Plans:
- Draft Traffic Regulation Order.
Details are also available to view on the Councils consultation portal at the address below, where you can also submit your views:
As stated on the notice, any objections or other representations on the proposal should be submitted by Friday 03rd March 2023.